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Previous coverage

From time to time, Aid Pioneers garners attention from both national and international media outlets.
Below, we have compiled an archive of past press coverage and other noteworthy mentions.

  • Euro Neews Week, February 2024

    Aid Pioneers awarded for innovative humanitarian efforts: “Aid Pioneers, a young NGO committed to making a difference in low- and middle-income countries, has been awarded the prestigious 2024 HIM Award for their humanitarian efforts throughout the past year. Presented by the Hamburg Initiative for Human Rights (HIM), this award recognizes individuals, organizations, and initiatives that go above and beyond in upholding, protecting, and promoting human rights.”

  • Euro News Week, July 2023

    Volunteers raise 20,000 Euros for Ukraine in triathlon: “With only a few weeks of training, four young volunteers from a Berlin-based non-governmental organization, Aid Pioneers, took to the city streets with their goggles, runners, and bikes to tackle a half-Ironman triathlon and for a great cause.”

  • BZ (Germany), July 2023

    Doppelt gut! Halber Ironman für die Ukraine: “Um Spenden für die Ukraine zu sammeln, zeigen vier Berliner vollen Körpereinsatz. Nach einem ungewöhnlich kurzen Trainingszeitraum wagen sie sich an einen halben Ironman.”

  • Tagesspiegel, July 2023

    Nur drei Wochen Vorbereitung: Ein halber Ironman für die Ukraine: “Vier Hobbysportler stellen sich der Herausforderung, mit weniger als drei Wochen Training einen Ironman über die halbe Distanz in Berlin zu machen. Dahinter steckt das Ziel, Spenden für die Ukraine zu sammeln.”

  • Der Standard, June 2023

    Emergency Response Syria: Hilfslieferungen in den vom Erdbeben schwer getroffenen Nordwesten Syriens sind weiterhin schwierig. Wie Spenden in ein Kriegsland kommen, zeigt eine junge Organisation aus Deutschland.

  • Hochrhein Zeitung, February 2023

    Emergency Response Syria: Güter im Wert von rund einer halben Million für Erdbebenopfer Euro dank starker Partner.

  • The Calabash Newspaper (Sierra Leone), April 2022

    Menstrual Health Project with Uman Tok: Aid Pioneers sent over two tons of flannel to Sierra Leone in February for the production of menstrual hygiene underwear kits.

  • Pan African Visions (Sierra Leone), March 2022

    Menstrual Health Project with Uman Tok: Aid Pioneers enables production of over 12.000 menstrual hygiene underwear kits for young women in Sierra Leone.

  • sh:z (Germany), March 2022

    Emergency Response Ukraine: Wie die jungen Menschen von Aid Pioneers ukrainische Flüchtlinge unterstützen wollen.

  • The Patriotic Vanguard (Sierra Leone), March 2022

    Menstrual Health Project with Uman Tok: Aid Pioneers e.V. celebrates another major success: the transportation of over two tons of flannel to Sierra Leone, West Africa to their long-term cooperation partner Uman Tok for the production of over 12, 000 menstrual hygiene underwear kits.

  • Frankfurter Neue Presse, Januar 2022

    Emergency Response Lebanon: Bis 2025 wollen sie einer Million Menschen helfen.