Medical aid for the earthquake survivors in Syria

At 4.17am on the 6th of February, the first of a series of earthquakes struck in Gaziantep, Türkiye. With a magnitude of 7.8, the force was felt across the whole border region of Syria and Türkiye. Strong aftershocks continued to cause further destruction and put thousands of lives at risk

As of the 13th of February, 2023, it is estimated that more than 33,000 people have lost their lives due to the devastating earthquake. Currently, survivors find themselves in freezing temperatures without access to adequate healthcare or shelter.

Currently, local partners tell us that major international organizations are only covering 20% of the general medical need and 0% of medical consumable need for Northwest Syria.

With you help, Aid Pioneers can deliver medical goods to these survivors.

Project status: Active

Project duration: 13 February 2023 - Present

Estimated impact: In Progress

Shipments secured: 1

No. of containers sent to Syria: 1 planned

No. of containers sent to Türkiye: In progress

Total value of goods sent: 200.000$ per shipment

Project Overview

The UN estimates that over 6 million people have been affected by the earthquake in Syria. After years of war, the healthcare system in Syria is almost completely depleted. After being displaced up to twenty times, Syrians affected by the disaster are already extremely vulnerable.

Aid Pioneers is focusing in delivering medical aid to Northwestern Syria, where our local partners have identified that large scale organizations have not been able to deliver medical consumables.

Medical consumables, however, are a key component to life-saving surgeries and healthcare provision. To bridge this gap, we are working with Syrian organization HiHFAD to deliver the necessary goods to 81 public hospitals in Syria.

These items are hand-selected according to precise needs lists by Project C.U.R.E. in the U.S.A. and shipped from there through Türkiye to Syria via our shipping partners. HiHFAD takes care of the last mile transport and distribution.

Aid Pioneers has built a strategic network of partners which helps us minimize cost and maximize efficiency.

Project C.U.R.E. provides the disaster-relief goods, HiHFAD oversees the last mile transport and distribution, and Aid Pioneers manages the network and takes care of fundraising, reporting and troubleshooting. Through this network, we multiply every donation’s value.

Multiply your donation up to 13x

We thank our project partners for their commitment:

Project C.U.R.E is the world’s largest distributor of donated medical items. Project C.U.R.E packs the medical content of each shipment according to the needs lists submitted by our local partners.

Kühne + Nagel is the world’s largest freight forwarder. Kühne + Nagel donates all logistical customs services and thereby significantly increases the project’s efficiency.

HiHFAD manages the last mile distribution of the shipments in Syria. Thanks to the knowledge of the local context, HiHFAD ensures that the healthcare facilities receive the goods they require to save lives.

Get to know our local partner

HiHFAD is a Syrian organisation registered in Türkiye. HiHFAD delivers independent humanitarian aid to those in need, regardless of ethnic origin, religion or political standing. HiHFAD has a track record in coordinating last mile supply chain management for International Organisations in Syria and is able to distribute medical goods to 81 healthcare facilities in Northwestern Syria.

Al-Quds Hospital, Syria via HIHFAD. Photographer: Majd Fathallah